
Benstowe House Remains United, Supportive to Amanyanabo’s Developmental Vision – Scribe

By Godswill Jumbo

Jan 7, 2023

A titled citizen of Bonny Kingdom, an elder in his chieftaincy house, accomplished entrepreneur, role model and inspiration to many of his kinsmen, and then some; Dagogo Benstowe continues to represent his homeland, Bonny Kingdom, particularly, his family, the Benstowe House, exceptionally well in diverse spheres of life.

Against the backdrop of the renewed spirit of oneness, determination to forge on to better days ahead, and rally support for their royal in-law, the Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom, the Benstowe House had series of events where this new conviviality was entrenched; and in this interview with Kristina Reports’ Godswill Jumbo and Collins Jumbo, Amasenibo Dagogo Benstowe elucidated on the new direction of the House after the painful loss of her revered Chief and Head, Se-Alabo Godswill Benstowe, who was interred after his transmigration recently. Enjoy the read!

Secretary, Benstowe Chieftaincy House, Bonny Kingdom, Amasenibo Dagogo Benstowe

Kristina Reports: Let’s meet you, Sir

Dagogo Benstowe: Okay, I am Warisenibo Honourable Dagogo Zack Benstowe, Amasenibo of Grand Bonny Kingdom and, by His grace, the General Secretary of Benstowe Chieftaincy House of Grand Bonny Kingdom.

Okay, our pleasure meeting you, Sir.

Thank you.

We heard that you lost your Chief, Se-Alabo Godswill Benstowe recently. How is the House responding to that?

Benstowe House Chairman, Warisenibo Tamuno-Omonibo Benstowe, and Secretary, Amasenibo Dagogo Benstowe (both centre) flanked by other elders, women and members of the House shortly after a recent meeting at the Chief Benstowe Opuwari adjacent to Ikuba Nungo (Square( in Bonny.

Well, it’s a sad one but by His grace we’ve been able to surpass that. After the burial of our late Chief, the House unanimously has come together to restructure the House and to meet up all the things we have lost during the factional periods and today as I speak to you, after our general meeting on the 17th December 2022, we unanimously appointed Warisenibo Tamuno-Omonibo Boma Eli Benstowe as the House Chairman and my humble self as the Secretary. so these are the executive members that are handling the affairs of the House as at today.

Can we say that this new development signpost a new phase for the House?

Exactly, yes, and, in fact, the excitement of members of the House has surpassed our expectation. On the 31st of December, we were more than 70 that moved to the village to celebrate and usher in a new and fresh blood in the House.

Okay, when you say the village, which village?

Our Benstowe Village, Benstowe Ishileogono Village.

Amasenibo Dagogo Bentowe

Okay, if a tourist wants to visit there?

And it’s a nice place to be.

How does the person get to that place from Bonny?

Yes, from Bonny, the Benstowe Village is directly opposite Christy Wilcox House and Halliday; by your right you will meet Banigo Biriye, we’re neighbors with the Banigo Biriye Chieftaincy House.

The Benstowe House is significant in the sense that you provided Bonny Kingdom with a Queen, who is the wife of the King and looking at that, what should the rest of the Bonny and the general public look forward to with the new drive you are initiating now?

That is why we have been striving to ensure that first we make people and the members of the house understand the importance of our position in the kingdom. At least, today, we’re first in-laws to the Perekule dynasty and we are not supposed to be gate crashers. Therefore, first our respect must go to His Majesty, the King because he is our in-law, and two, to the entire Bonny Kingdom and that is why we are pleading to members of Benstowe House to shun all perceived anger and for us to come back to see how we will build the house together once again. It is a good thing that we are part and parcel of the Perekule dynasty now.

Benstowe House Chairman, Warisenibo Tamuno-Omonibo Benstowe, and Secretary, Amasenibo Dagogo Benstowe (both centre) flanked by other elders male adult members of the House shortly after a recent meeting at the Chief Benstowe Opuwari adjacent to Ikuba Nungo (Square( in Bonny.

Before we let you go, let’s talk a bit about development. Orosikiri, where is identified as your main place of residence in Bonny Town here. Orosi Kiri in Ibani is the land of rice where they had rice plantation years ago. Now are we looking for to some development plans because with unity comes progress and progress is founded on development? What are we looking forward to in terms of development for Benstowe House?

Yes, Orosikiri is a cluster of the Banigos and the Benstowes but our major areas today according to Bonny custom and tradition is the opuwari and our opuwari is situated along Ikuba Square, that place was given to the founder of the house, the Bupaitama Benjamin Stowe because he was a warlord. He led so many wars and won them and brought laurels to Bonny Kingdom, especially, the Ashanti war and that was why that particular spot was given to him by King George so that he can be part of his guards at all times. So, our first proposed development is to build a befitting opuwari in that place after which we will now move to the village and take care of some sundry developments.

At the King Perekule Royal Banquet 2022, His Majesty, the King of Bonny Kingdom said that as a people Bonny Kingdom has to be intentional about its development; where does the Benstowe House come in to this vision of the King?

Yes, as I speak to you now, the King, in his wise counsel, has positioned sons of Benstowe House to key in into the developmental strides of Bonny Kingdom, especially, my humble self; I’m presently the Community Development Manager of Saipem that is interfacing with the Bonny Kingdom Development Committee that has been set up and inaugurated by His Majesty. Another son in Diaspora, Amaopusenibo Stephen Japu Benstowe was also mentioned by His Majesty to be part of that committee. So, you can see the synergy of Benstowe and the Kingdom trying to ensure that the speedy development comes to limelight.

So, in essence you are saying the Benstowe House will support the King in actualizing his developmental plans?

Absolutely, 100 per cent.