By Kristina Reports

May 20, 2022

Indeed, it has come to my notice, of a certain publication made by a group, which identified itself as FINIMA CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, which is now VIRAL. The said publication (Press Release) on the 18th day of May, 2022 which was a rejoinder to another publication (Press Release) this time, by an agency of the Bonny Kingdom – Bonny Kingdom Local Content Compliance Committee (BKLCC), which was made on the 11th day of May, 2022.

Unequivocally, therefore, I, Se-Alabo Evans C. B. Brown and the good people of the Buoye Omuso Brown (Duawari) and other cross section of Finima People Dissociate themselves from the publication (Press Release) purportedly made by the group known as the Finima Capacity Development Committee (FCDC). This dissociation has become very necessary because records have to be put straight and truth be told as much as possible.

Chief & Head, Buoye Omuso Brown House, Se-Alabo Evans Clement Buoye Brown
  1. It is true that the Buoye Omuso Brown House (Duawari) in Finima Community is the host to NLNG and others MNCs.
  2. It is also true that, it is the forebears of the Buoye Omuso Brown House (Duawari) that founded the settlement called FINIMA.
  3. It is also true that, it is not only the Buoye Omuso Brown House (Duawari) that is in Finima. We have now other autonomous Chieftaincy Houses namely: ATTONI and TOBIN. They are autonomous to the extent that they both manage their affairs independent of the Buoye Omuso Brown House (Duawari).
  4. It is also true that to pave way for the massive construction called NLNG, the entire Finima Community was displaced/relocated. It was not only the Brown House that was relocated. The ATTONI and the TOBIN Chieftaincy Houses were also relocated. All suffered and still suffer the consequences of that relocation.
  5. If one closely looks at assertion No. 2 that the forbears of the Buoye Omuso Brown House (Duawari) founded Finima then, who are the forbears of ATTONI and the TOBIN? Or did these two fall from the sky?
  6. It is also true that to answer question posed in No. 5 above that both the ATTONI and TOBIN House have an age-long traceable relationship with the Buoye Omuso Brown House (Duawari).
  7. It is also true that Finima as a town/community which is made up of three now autonomous Chieftaincy Houses viz: BROWN, ATTONI & TOBIN is a part and parcel of the Bonny Kingdom and so, under one King.
  8. It is also true that as at the time the MOU in question was signed, the Buoye Omuso Brown, Tobin and Attoni Houses in Finima were duly represented. especially, the Buoye Omuso Brown House by the following three persons: Sqd. Ldr. (Rtd.) Amaopusenibo Olam Allwell-Brown; Gogo Philip Brown and Charles O. Brown. They all sat in BKLCCC meetings & collected their allowances upon duly signed attendance records. Therefore, if the Brown House was so represented in the Bonny Kingdom Local Content Compliance Committee (BKLCCC) why then is a fraction of the Buoye Omuso Brown House dissociating itself from the MOU brokered by the BKLCCC with the companies? The answer then is not far-fetched: GREED. And that is why the rest of us, well-meaning members of the Brown House strongly stand with the BKLCCC and its successfully brokered MOU with the TRAIN 7 NLNG consortium.  
  9. It is also true that precisely on the 22/01/2022, Se-Alabo Evans C. B. Brown (Chief, and Head of the Buoye Omuso House) after his due installation was received into the Bonny Chiefs Council (BCC), which is the apex traditional institution in the Kingdom. Therefore, having been recognized and accepted by the Amanyanabo-in-Council, and barely four (4) months, Se-Alabo Evans C. B. Brown has commenced series of discussions with HRM, the King of Bonny on a number of issues affecting not only the Brown Major House but, also other houses and the entire good people of Finima. HRM, the King is disposed to having these series of discussions with Se-Alabo Evans C. B. Brown. Therefore, it will be foolhardy for any set or group of individuals to be crying wolf against the kingdom maybe, because things are not going their selfish ways of primitive accumulation of wealth of the Brown House.
  10. Therefore, I, Se-Alabo Evans C. B. Brown, the good, gentle and law-abiding people of the Buoye Omuso Brown House and the entire people of Finima town, call on NLNG, the consortium of SCD JV, its Train 7 EPC contractor to remain resolute and pursue with all purposefulness and vigour the SPIRIT and WORDINGS of the brokered MOU with BKLCCC. Finima with all her people irrespective of any of the houses are Bonny people who share one Kingdom and one King. Things may not be all-time rosy between the centre and parts but, the most important thing is to always learn how to resolve our differences without toeing the part of violence. Nobody is denying the fact that Buoye Omuso Brown House and Finima people (TOBIN and ATTONI Houses) inclusive are the primary Host Community to the Multi-National companies on our soil viz: SPDC, CHEVRON, MOBIL, NLNG, etc. 
  11. It is also true that the brokered MOU by BKLCC which is been antagonized by the so-called Finima Capacity Development Committee has not been properly read and assimilated by them. Apart from the fact that Finima Community (Brown, TOBIN & ATTONI) were fully represented in the BKLCCC. Also, noteworthy, is that a reputable Brown house some co-signed the MOU. Where then is the marginalization, hue and cry from a disgruntled few propelled by GREED.
  12. It is also true that page (9) of the MOU in question, under the heading “SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE™ makes provision that parties shall sign-off their agreements in writing by way of an addendum to this project MOU. So, Finima as a community has an ample opportunity to make further and better inputs. Notwithstanding imperfections if any.

I, therefore, call on all members of the Buoye Omuso Brown House, other families, and, indeed, all and sundry living and doing business in Finima to refuse to be dragged into any act of violence by any disgruntled few because of their GREED and AVARICE.




  1. J.A. Fombo,Esq.

    Finima community is not the only host community to NLNG,Jumbo major house is Co-host Community,yet they don’t make noise or forment trouble . Are they not entitled to equal share of employment and Mou ,
    As a matter of fact, where the finima people are presently relocated to belongs to Jumbo major house,yet they do not brag or make noise about it.if they are insisting on 40%of employment chances and having their seperate Mou, what about the Jumbo major house in Bonny, who are equal stake holders

    • Nengi Brown PhD

      So you want to establish a new host for the nlng project? Is well dear Barrister you can do so as we don’t have a well design orgonogram for it.