Samantha Harris, the beloved former co-host of “Dancing With the Stars,” has announced that she is battling breast cancer for the second time. The 50-year-old television personality shared the difficult news in an emotional video posted to Instagram on Wednesday.
Harris was first diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer a decade ago, leading to a double mastectomy followed by breast reconstruction. Since then, she has transformed her experience into a mission, becoming a health coach and producing community-driven health courses through her active website.
Samantha Harris
Despite this setback, Harris remains resolute in her fight. “I have some health news that I need to share that I never thought that I would be sharing again in my lifetime, but I have a recurrence of breast cancer,” she said in the video.
Her determination shines through as she reassures her supporters: “And I feel so fortunate to have been able to guide, support and lead so many of you in Your Healthiest Healthy community, and I will continue to do so, and I will fight on and I will be okay.”
Harris expressed deep gratitude for the support of her loved ones and her online community. “I’m so grateful for my family and my close friends, and as I lean on them, I also reach out to lean on you during this time, and I will continue to share more as my treatment plan unravels,” she continued. “I’ll see you soon.”
The comments section of her post quickly filled with messages of support, including from her former “DWTS” co-host Tom Bergeron, who wrote, “Sending hugs.” Other celebrities like Melissa Peterman and Eva LaRue also shared their encouragement.
Harris’s brave return to the public eye amidst such personal challenges has inspired many, and her resilience continues to touch hearts worldwide.