Explosion: Emouha Pipeline, Not Ours – Nigeria LNG

By Blessing Aseminaso

Jan 18, 2021

The Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Limited has said that it would continue to uphold highest standards of safety of personnel and facility in its operations.

Further to this, it has denied ownership of the gas pipeline that was involved in an explosion in Elibrada in Emouha Local Government Area of Rivers State.  

Nigeria LNG’s General Manager, External Relations and Sustainable Development, Eyono Fatayi-Williams said this in response to Kristina Reports’ enquiry on the incident, assuring that none of its facilities or operations were impacted by the explosion.  

General Manager, External Relations and Sustainable Development, Nigeria LNG, Eyono Fatayi-Williams

“The attention of Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) has recently been brought to reports of a pipeline leak said to have occurred in Elibrada, Emouha L.G.A. of Rivers State. For clarity, the said pipeline is not owned or operated by NLNG.”

Fatayi-Williams stated that the reported gas pipeline explosion in Emouha LGA did not affect gas supply to any of the company’s facility in Bonny, where its plant is situated, adding that the said incident did not have any impact on NLNG’s production.

She further clarified that only the pipeline owners are best placed to provide information on the repair plans, volume of gas impacted and how long the disruption is expected to last.  

The early morning gas pipeline explosion on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, caused so much panic in Elibrada and Oduoha Communities in Emohua LGA of Rivers State.

Managing Director, Nigeria LNG, Tony Attah

Reports have it that residents of the community had to run for safety the vibration and leakage from the gas pipeline continued as at 12noon on that fateful day.

Chairman of Oduoha Community Development Committee (CDC), Napoleon Ewule had alleged that the two affected pipelines belonged to Nigeria LNG and Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC), stating, however, that they were not sure which company owns the exploded pipeline, informing that both companies had been contacted in the wake of the incident.

“So, after I heard the explosion, I immediately called and mobilized youths of Oduoha to see what had happened. Later, when we discovered what had happened, we came back and informed our people to avoid the area.”

“There are two pipelines running on the same line that belongs to NAOC and NLNG. We will know who owns the exploded pipeline when both companies come for inspection.”


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