In a bid to close the gap of care-giving for orphans and the elderly, a critical vulnerable group in the society, De-Choice Orphanage and Elderly Home Center will be opened in Bonny tomorrow.
Its debut on Thursday, August 26, 2020 will make it the first orphanage and home for the elderly in Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State.
Executive Director of the center, Choice Ibitondo Jumbo told Kristina Reports in an interview that the goal of the center was to provide a conducive atmosphere for the elderly to unwind and relieve themselves of the boredom that comes with loneliness.

“You know that most of our elderly people are always left alone as their children and grandchildren have to go fend for themselves either at school or work. So, being alone always brings loneliness and all other associated issues.”
“But De-Choice Orphanage and Elderly Home Center is coming to create an atmosphere for them to be taken care of. Here they can play games, eat snacks, engage in recreation and also share their thoughts with counselors.”
As per the orphanage, she regretted that a lot of children, especially, minors are left to fend for themselves, exposed to social vices and other vicissitudes of life, stating that this was not the best for the vulnerable children.
“These orphans did not make themselves orphans and they need all the support that society can avail them. With what we are doing they will have a home where they can be taken care of, they can study and also participate in recreational activities.”
The opening ceremony is expected to take place at De-Choice Orphanage and Elderly Home Center, 24 Hospital Road, Bonny, opposite the mammy Market at Ayambo 1 by 8am on Thursday, August 27, 2020.
Statistics from Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development estimates that there are 17.5 million orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) nationwide. These humongous number of OVCs need access to basic necessities and education but, unfortunately, there is hardly any public sector intervention in this regard.
Bonny LGA, in particular, parades disturbing statistics of orphans and vulnerable children, many have been found to engage in prostitution, drug abuse, cult related activities, and other social vices.
Stakeholders believe the establishment of De-Choice Orphanage and Elderly Home Center will signal a new dawn for this socio-economically challenged group.
Wow! This is amazing first ever in Bonny.